Monday, August 17, 2009

Here's some collage work I did. It's a triptych based on the triune model of the human brain. The first two pieces were assembled in my sister's apartment in Las Vegas during the summer of 2007 from a stolen coloring book and some magazines. The third was made during the fall of 2008 after John and I found a bunch of old books in an alley in Soulard.

R. Complex

Limbic System


Triune Model

I'm going to do something cool with framing them eventually.

I first read about the triune brain in 'Broca's Brain" by Carl Sagan about seven years ago. At the time I wrote an article relating each layer to one of life's Three B's--beer, books, and black metal--for the print zine Speak For Yourself.

thesaurus time

Here's a blithe and roseate young fellow whom I chanced to meet at work this morning.

Of his errand in our world he would not speak.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Themes From Steak's 'Miscarriage of Kevin and Michelle'" by Brett Hullver

A bunch of camera phone pictures from today back to May 9th. I've included some perhaps informative (but definitely fun!) facts and anecdotes.

I bought this at Dunaway Books, along with 'After Man," and "Unsolved Mysteries Of WWII." It's about the cosmic dragon gods that created the universe, as told by the last dragon on earth.

A forbidden romance blossoms between an Ice Dragon and a Dragon from the Warm Lands.

My favorite of the lot.

Spotted at Powerhouse Gym. I was at Value Village, wherein I purchased a Dead Guy Ale pint glass and "Metamorphosis and Other Sories" by Kafka.

The hood had a giant Captain Spalding and said something like 'ain't klownin around!'

Logo I made for the band Niggers. They are the Midwest's premiere powergrinding bastards.

Kenny and I worked on some logo designs. The True Host--who are affiliated with the STL Circle Of Cheetahs--are not to be confused with the False Host--who are lame.

I'm particularly fond of the bird. It would look good as a black on black t-shirt.

Some of Kenny's logos and assorted goings-on.

Really cool book that posits what animals will have evolved into 50 million years from now.

Get a load ofthese charming young fellows.

Those tricky Flooers. These are the descendents of bats.

Here's the stages of the lampshade I made. it's just a collage taped to the inside of an old shade. Made from some magazines and books and posters. For almost a year, it was just Obama's face. I did the rest over the past few weeks.

I might add another face in the empty space, and perhaps give it a fringe of some type.

Cool goat I made at Lemmon's one night.


Winter and I left our mark on the picnic table in front of CBGBs.

Riley's men's room.

Sunn0))) at the Firebird.

This is only funny to the select initiates who know the secrets of the toe tap.

Teenaged lesbians from Belleville bought me this funnel cake at Pridefest.

Greg, Eric, and Todd at the Way-Out Club.

Black Dog, White Dog, and Winter.

More Way-Out Club hijinks with Rachelle and Swan.

What happens.


A grammatically-disabled snackmonger's sweet ride was parked on my street for a week or so.

Accidental picture taken while working the door at Lemmon's. This is now the wallpaper on my phone.

John (right), White Dog, and I.

Some crap I scribbled at Lemmon's.

Ben Schulte and the Man-Sized Boy.

An oddly-marketed tool I found at the mall.

Middle stage of a thing I drew. It eventually turned into a tree.

Ben in a tree at Tower Grove park.

Chris and Cash in the foreground. (l to r) Starla, Tony, Greg, Todd, Adrian, and that other dog whose name I forget but he looks like a gremlin. The rest of the people to the right aren't important.

My shoes. I think it's a cool photograph, and it encapsulates the reality of my living room rather well.

Kenny in his Crowley-esque cushion hat.

Kenny upon the coolest tree in Tower Grove. The tree used to be a forest giant. he tired of life one day and rooted himself. Within he is reborn as a young sapling, soon to be free as the last shards of ancient bark shed as the seasons pass.

The crumbling remains of an age-old temple rest their weary bones along the banks of a quiet pond, giving strength to the geese who dwell here. I like this place.

Emo collage I worked on for a minute, then disassembled.

Tullamore at The Arena.